Friday, June 7, 2013

BANDAR HILIR : Museum's Day


In Bandar Hilir, there are more than five museum that you can visit. In this entry, we going to share with you several museum that we've visited. Every museum are located near to each other so you can save your time in just a minute time. Fortunately for us, that day was Museum Day. therefore we didn't have to pay any entrance fees to the museums except the UMNO museum.

Without further ado, we list out all of museums that are located at Bandar Hilir for you to pond upon visiting Malacca.

Here we will going down the memory lane as how custom was first established in Malaysia. There are also tools and equipment used by the custom from the early time till today. What astonished us was the 'barang rampasan' that was acquired by the custom. We learn new knowledge about what can pass the custom and what not.

above: calculator  , down: "barang rampasan"


Next to the Custom Museum is Muzium Samudera. As Malacca is once known as the world trade center once upon a time back, hence the significant of this museum. 

Inside this big ship, you will see many miniature of ships, treasure chest, canon, prisoners's room etc. You will feel like you are in a real ship because the design of this museum is like the real ship.


Using the ticket you bought at Muzium Samudera, you can enter this museum. The interior design of this museum is also like a ship. Inside here, you will able to see the history, the various kind of uniforms used by the navy, and the badges.

Outside this museum, there are also old ship that was given by the TLDM to be use as a display. We are overjoyed to see this real ship and experienced the      being in the ship.

to be continue . . .

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